

Expectancy…what do you expect??

Posted on August 2, 2012 by admin

So Olympic fever has well and truly set in with 2 gold medals in one day…what an achievement and it doesn’t stop there! More medal chances for today and expectant fans ready and waiting. This expectancy issue is something that we Brits do suffer from, but it doesn’t always have to be a bad thing.

We find that expectancy within the letting industry is not necessarily very high to due to so many years of poor service from under experienced and non-licensed agents. This works in our favour as a privately owned, independently run and fully licensed lettings agency as we aim to exceed the expectations of our clients at every possible opportunity.

Please share your experiences as either a landlord or a tenant in times that you have not received what you would have expected from your agent…

– See more at: https://gordonbarker.com/blog/


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